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Become a 2025 exhibitor

The Australian Space Summit and Exhibition provides an ‘always-on’ exhibition run in tandem with the conference.

Attendees have the option to take in sessions at multiple stages or connect with exhibitors throughout the day.

Partners and exhibitors will be in the same expo hall as our sessions, allowing attendees the option to listen in on sessions without sound bleed or interference and to connect with influential space businesses at exhibitor booths.

What this means for exhibitors

Higher level of visibility.

Benefit from huge branding uptick on the day.

Your exhibition space and branding will be prominently displayed throughout the days.

Permanent visibility to all delegates in the room.

Have more meaningful conversations.

Benefiting from an 'always-on' expo format.

No more waiting for a break to network!

Periods to connect with the people who may change your business – you’ll have the chance to have long conversations with influential space industry and government delegates.

Gamification will also ensure that all delegates are incentivised to connect with you – your only issue will be managing the traffic!